Are you ready to try new things? The key to being a super-foodie is tasting everything, even if it’s something you are pretty sure you won’t like. Because often you’re wrong, and it turns out you love something that you thought would be disgusto!

And while some foods are a little more daunting than others, like the rather, ahem, fragrant durian fruit, there are lots of foods you may not have tried that are actually super delicious (including durian!), and if you’re lucky, also good for you.

You have probably heard a lot that whole grains are good for you, and maybe you buy whole grain bread and whole grain cereal. But do you know what it means?

To keep it short and sweet, a grain is the seed of the wheat plant. To make flour, the grains are ground against a stone (the process is known as milling) until they are finely textured – like the flour in your kitchen cabinets. To make some types of flour, the parts of the grain are separated, and some of the healthiest bits are thrown away. Whole grain means all parts are used, even if they’re ground up.

If you eat whole grains, which can be cooked and used a lot like rice, you get all of the good parts of the grain. They contain fiber and other nutrients that are good for your digestion and your heart, among other things. They’re often called super foods and are an important part of a balanced diet. recommends that half of all the grains you eat be whole grains.

One whole grain you may have already heard of or even tried is quinoa (pronounced keen-wah). Quinoa is packed full of protein, which means it’s great for vegetarian diets. But there are so many grains of different shapes and sizes that can be used tons of different ways.

Barley (that's the one in the picture up top!), farro, and wheat berries are bigger, chewier grains that are really yummy in a grain salad. That means a big bowl of grains tossed with vegetables, fruit, cheese, nuts, dressing – anything! We love grain salads in a lunchbox or beside a piece of grilled chicken or fish for dinner. You can also mix these grains into soup instead of pasta for the perfect chewy texture.

Smaller grains, like quinoa, amaranth, or millet are teeny tiny grains, and they can be used a lot like rice. You can serve them with saucy foods, like curries or stews, to soak up the flavors. They can also be mixed with veggies and beans to make a veggie burger or griddle cakes. Try popping these grains – the same way you would pop corn on the stovetop – for a fun itty bitty snack!

We like making one big batch of grains at the beginning of the week, because they can be used a million different ways. You might find yourself sprinkling them on top of a green garden salad, tossing them with herbs and olive oil for a quick side dish, or even topped with some warm milk and cinnamon-sugar for breakfast (did we mention that oatmeal is a whole grain!?).

Look in your grocery store’s bulk aisle for all of these grains and more. Try them in small portions to see which ones you like best, then experiment to find your favorite ways to use them!



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