Chef's Blog, Chef's Notes Plus

5 Recipes That are a Sure Sign of Spring

After a long winter, the world is turning back to green. Asparagus is shooting to the sky and curly pea tendrils seek out the sun, promising a near-future of farmers’ markets and tender fruits and veggies. To inspire you, here are some of the recipes we spend all year waiting […]

Chef's Blog, Chef's Notes Plus

6 Recipes to Celebrate the Best of Spring

Spring is a reason to celebrate! New life, the return of sunshine, and some of the year’s very best ingredients. It may happen more slowly in some parts of the country, but as your market begin to fill up with asparagus, green onions, and sweet strawberries, look to these recipes […]

Breakfast and Brunch

Rhubarb Mini-Muffins

Makes 24 mini-muffins These tender mini-muffins are the perfect mix of sweet and tart, highlighting our spring favorite: rhubarb! Once rhubarb season has passed, you can use this recipe with raspberries, peaches, or any fruit that suits your fancy. Depending on the size of your muffin pan, you may have […]

Pies and Tarts

Rhubarb Pie

Makes one 9-inch pie Rhubarb is tart, but well-balanced by the oat crumble we’ve paired it with here. Some rhubarb stalks may be tender enough, but if your rhubarb has a thick outer membrane (you can tell by peeling a bit back with your fingers), you may want to remove […]


Rhubarb Tart

Makes 6 servings Tarte à la rhubarbe is a popular dessert in the Lorraine region of France. The temperature of the area and the soil type support the growth of this delicious vegetable, often mistaken for fruit. This recipe, prepared with store-bought puff pastry, is a snap to prepare. Ingredients […]

Chef's Notes Plus

Spring is For Foodies

Welcome, spring! After a cold winter, nothing is more welcome than the first signs of the season: bright green shoots poking through the soil, buzzing bumblebees, and—my favorite, naturally—new produce! Having grown up in The Garden State and after many years in New York’s Hudson Valley, I consider myself a […]

Soups and Stews

Strawberry Rhubarb Soup

Makes 6 servings You may not be making fruit soup on the average weeknight, but we love it for a special brunch or dinner during the spring and summer. This recipe is cold and refreshing, and it showcases the sweet and tart brightness of the classic fruit duo: strawberries and […]

Chef's Blog

Tips for the Perfect Fruit Pie Without a Recipe

In a moment of introspection, it has occurred to us that “pie season” is sort of a disingenuous concept. We are currently in the thick of summer pie season, but also, we are on the tail end of late spring pie season. And before we know it, it will be […]

Chef's Notes Plus, Family Fun

Try New Things: Rhubarb

There is a lot to love about spring: spring break, warmer weather, flowers (maybe not the allergies!), but most of all, the food! Spring is one of the best times of year for fresh produce, mostly just because we’ve been missing it so badly all winter. Sweet green peas, asparagus, […]