Chef's Blog, Chef's Notes Plus

Recipes Between the Lines: Caramelizing Onions

The phrase “caramelized onions” is tossed out on menus or recipes like they’re no big deal. Standard, everyday stuff that people are making in their kitchens after a long day at work.  The reality of caramelized onions is a little different. Yes, they’re simple to make. Slice onions and cook […]

Chef's Blog, Chef's Notes Plus

Recipes Between the Lines: Deglaze

Deglazing is a fundamental technique used in all styles of cooking because it is our primary means of preserving an ingredient’s flavor. Dry cooking techniques, like sautéing and roasting, rely on the evaporation of moisture from an ingredient to create a flavorful and browned exterior. As the ingredient makes contact […]

Chef's Notes Plus

Recipes Between the Lines: Egg Wash

Egg wash is a common recipe term—and lots of recipes take for granted that the reader knows what it means. And even if you do know the basics of an egg wash, you may not know why you’re using it. An egg wash is a blended mixture of egg, salt, […]

Chef's Blog, Chef's Notes Plus

Recipes Between the Lines: Hot Water Bath

If you’ve ever encounter a recipe that told you to, “Bake in a hot water bath” with no further instruction, keep reading. Some ingredients are just more sensitive than others, and as you discover more about food, you learn how to handle even the most delicate of ingredients (talking about […]

Chef's Blog, Chef's Notes Plus

Recipes Between the Lines: Indirect Grilling

Have you ever read a recipe that said, “Prepare your grill for cooking over indirect heat?” And did you think, “Uh, what?” For grilling, indirect heat translates to: not over the fire. When you’re cooking over indirect heat, you’re using the ambient heat of the flames to cook the food, […]

Chef's Blog, Chef's Notes Plus

Recipes Between the Lines: Mirepoix

Onions, carrots, celery, leeks, parsnips, garlic, tomatoes, shallots, mushrooms, peppers, and ginger are among the ingredients commonly referred to as aromatics. They may be used in various combinations, as dictated by the cuisine and the dish itself. Even when used in relatively small amounts, aromatic ingredients make a significant contribution […]