Main Dishes

Barbecued Pulled Pork Pizza

Makes two 12-inch pizzas Leftover pulled pork can be used to make a very tasty and unique pizza. A little pork (about 1 1/2 cups) is enough for 4 to 5 portions. Using a charcoal grill will give your pizza a wood-fired flavor and character. To use this method, ignite […]

Chef's Blog

Food Fact Friday: Pizza Vs. Flatbread

Are all flatbreads pizza but not all pizzas are flatbreads or is it the other way around? Some might say a thinly rolled out pizza is a flatbread and call it a day. But the difference between the two really comes down to the ingredients, they both need flour, water, […]

Main Dishes

Pizza Margherita

Makes three 12-inch pizzas If you don’t have yeast on hand (or the motivation to make the dough!), we bet your local pizza restaurant would be happy to sell you some to-go dough. Set out toppings for a fun make-your-own pizza activity to help beat cabin fever.

Main Dishes

Semolina Pizza with Fresh Herbs and Goat Cheese

Makes two 12-inch pizzas Using a baking stone or tiles will help approximate the intense heat of a woodfired pizza oven, resulting in a better pizza crust. Use a baker’s peel to transfer the prepared pizza to the stone. If you don’t have a peel, you can substitute a baking […]

Chef's Blog, Chef's Notes Plus, Family Fun

Supremely Spooky Pizzas for Halloween

Small foodies may have candy on the brain, but before they start their whirlwind foraging expedition, little ghosts, cowgirls—and hopefully a tiny chef or two!?—need some food-fuel. Since it is Halloween, dinner needs to be fun and maybe a little spooky! For your sake, it should also be easy. We […]