Makes two 12-inch pizzas Leftover pulled pork can be used to make a very tasty and unique pizza. A little pork (about 1 1/2 cups) is enough for 4 to 5 portions. Using a charcoal grill will give your pizza a wood-fired flavor and character. To use this method, ignite […]
Food Fact Friday: Pizza Vs. Flatbread
Are all flatbreads pizza but not all pizzas are flatbreads or is it the other way around? Some might say a thinly rolled out pizza is a flatbread and call it a day. But the difference between the two really comes down to the ingredients, they both need flour, water, […]
Grilled Pizza
Makes 8 Servings
Makes 6 servings Pissaladière is simply a French version of pizza, traditionally topped with onions that have been melted down in olive oil, and with anchovies and Niçoise olives. It is best made with sweet onions, and a good-quality olive oil is a must. If possible, use an oil with […]
Pizza Dough
Makes 1 large pizza, serves 4 to 6 Pizza Dough
Pizza Margherita
Makes three 12-inch pizzas If you don’t have yeast on hand (or the motivation to make the dough!), we bet your local pizza restaurant would be happy to sell you some to-go dough. Set out toppings for a fun make-your-own pizza activity to help beat cabin fever.
Prosciutto & Egg Pizza
Makes 6 servings
Roasted Vegetable Pizza
Makes 4 Servings Pizza Dough Toppings Preparing the Pizza
Semolina Pizza with Fresh Herbs and Goat Cheese
Makes two 12-inch pizzas Using a baking stone or tiles will help approximate the intense heat of a woodfired pizza oven, resulting in a better pizza crust. Use a baker’s peel to transfer the prepared pizza to the stone. If you don’t have a peel, you can substitute a baking […]
Supremely Spooky Pizzas for Halloween
Small foodies may have candy on the brain, but before they start their whirlwind foraging expedition, little ghosts, cowgirls—and hopefully a tiny chef or two!?—need some food-fuel. Since it is Halloween, dinner needs to be fun and maybe a little spooky! For your sake, it should also be easy. We […]
You Can Do It! Tips for Homemade Pizza
Making pizza dough is easy! You just mix a few ingredients (flour + water + yeast + salt + olive oil), and ta da! The hard part is shaping the pizza dough. If you’ve ever made homemade pizza, you can probably remember feeling frustrated and defeated as the dough ripped […]