Beverages and Cocktails

Cantaloupe Gin and Tonic

Makes 4 cocktails Cantaloupe is naturally sweet and floral, making it an unexpectedly delicious flavor for late summer cocktails. This juiced-up gin and tonic features the tiniest little bit of rosewater to bring out those floral notes, but you can leave it out if it’s not for you. For every […]

Beverages and Cocktails

Grilled Watermelon and Bourbon Cooler

Makes 1 serving Put a surprising twist on a classic summer treat! Grilling the watermelon not only makes for a beautiful garnish, but adds a depth of flavor. not often found in a simple cocktail. Rhubarb bitters should be pretty easy to find. Check your local liquor store or specialty […]

Beverages and Cocktails

Spicy Watermelon Refresher

Makes about 8 servings The key to this perfect summer refresher is great watermelon, so if your melon is a dud, you may want to try something else. Of course, you can also make the same mixture with cantaloupe or pineapple (or basically any other fruit!), so pick what’s tastiest […]