Appetizers, Hors D’oeuvre, and Snacks

Cheese and Potato Cigars

Makes about 20 small-bite servings These crispy little bites can be filled with spare mashed potatoes for a Thanksgiving appetizer, or leftovers for a next-day reward for a busy host! Though they are best fried, you can brush them with oil and bake them at 425°F for a little less […]

Chef's Blog, Chef's Notes Plus

Dress Up Your Mashed Potatoes Without a Recipe

Mashed potatoes are a staple at the Thanksgiving dinner table. But that doesn’t mean they have to be the same year after year (not that anyone has ever complained about a perfectly creamy mashed potato). If you start with a great base recipe—here’s our favorite—you can turn a simple mashed […]

Chef's Notes Plus

Potato, Po-tah-do: Know Your ‘Taters

Potato varieties differ in starch and moisture content, skin and flesh color, and shape. Sweet potatoes and yams, although not botanically related to the potato, share several characteristics with it and can be treated in the same manner. Each cooking technique produces a markedly different texture, flavor, and appearance in […]