Chef's Blog, Chef's Notes Plus

Recipe Conversion Handbook

With the world at our fingertips, trying new recipes has never been easier. But looking far from home for a new recipe can mean unfamiliar units of measurements that can make planning, shopping, and cooking just a little more difficult. If grams and milliliters have you scrolling past great new […]

Chef's Notes Plus

Recipe Swaps

Cooking with limited ingredients doesn’t necessarily mean only eating 5-ingredient dishes. In addition to looking for simple recipes, look for adaptable recipes. Adaptable recipes are ones that won’t suffer from ingredient substitutions. Most recipes are adaptable, if you have the confidence to make big changes. To help you along the […]

Chef's Blog, Chef's Notes Plus

Recipes Between the Lines: Caramelizing Onions

The phrase “caramelized onions” is tossed out on menus or recipes like they’re no big deal. Standard, everyday stuff that people are making in their kitchens after a long day at work.  The reality of caramelized onions is a little different. Yes, they’re simple to make. Slice onions and cook […]

Chef's Notes Plus

Recipes Between the Lines: Egg Wash

Egg wash is a common recipe term—and lots of recipes take for granted that the reader knows what it means. And even if you do know the basics of an egg wash, you may not know why you’re using it. An egg wash is a blended mixture of egg, salt, […]

Chef's Notes Plus

Save Heirloom Recipes to Your DISH Recipe Box

We know about heirloom vegetables and heirloom grains, and farmers take a great deal of pride in preserving these crops for their historical value. But have you ever considered that you are the keeper of heirloom recipes? Every family recipe is a seed that contains memories and emotions, and each […]

Chef's Blog, Chef's Notes Plus

Scaling Baking Recipes Up and Down

Doubling or tripling recipes or cutting them in half successfully requires more than simple multiplication. Recipes for baked goods rely upon a number of “sensitive” ingredients, such as leaveners, flavorings, seasonings, and thickeners. These ingredients don’t scale up or down directly in proportion with other ingredients. If you are planning […]

Chef's Blog

Sensational Soups, No Recipe Required

Soup season has arrived, and this month, we’re going to shake things up a bit, with a formula that will help you create sensational soups all season long—without a recipe.  Keep these three flavor components in mind, and you’ll be able turn any collection of ingredients into a restaurant-worthy soup.  […]

Chef's Notes Plus

Squash Season

‘Tis the season. Well, one of them! As you know, we’re big fans of seasonal eating, and winter squash season is a pretty big league time of the year for foodies. Winter squash, often called hard-skinned squashes are, you know, the squashes with hard skins. That means we’re putting away […]

Chef's Notes Plus, Family Fun

Strings and Wiggles: A Guide to Pasta Shapes

We haven’t counted, but by our estimates, there are like, ten million different pasta shapes in the world. More accurately, there are probably more than 300 different shapes, and depending on where you are in the world, each one may have a completely different name. Luckily, knowing the ins and […]

Chef's Blog, Chef's Notes Plus, Family Fun

Summer School: Reading a Recipe

We know that it’s summer, and that’s supposed to mean no school! But today we’re sneaking in a little lesson to help you master reading recipes. No tests—promise! When you read recipes, you usually start with the ingredient list. And sometimes the ingredient list will tell you how to prepare […]

Chef's Notes Plus

Tempering Chocolate for Homemade Candy

Tempering chocolate is the process of heating and cooling chocolate to ensure that it will set with a proper gloss and snap. Tempered chocolate will set quickly and will not show streaks or spots as it sets. Once set, properly tempered chocolate will harden and have the desired snap and […]

Chef's Blog, Chef's Notes Plus

Tempering Eggs for Smooth Custards and Creams

Tempering is a technique that allows you to add eggs to a hot liquid without scrambling them. We see tempering in recipes for crème brûlée, vanilla sauce, pastry cream, and some savory cooked egg dishes. The technique itself is simple but fast-moving, and it requires some preparation before beginning to […]