Chef's Notes Plus

Tips for Enjoying Beans

You may, for any number of reasons, be thinking that it’s time to introduce more beans into your routine. And we get it! They are vegetarian and vegan sources of protein, they are gluten-free, they are heart-healthy, and inexpensive. What’s not to love? But unless you grew up eating lots […]

One-Dish Meals

Tofu Red Curry

Makes 4 servings Ingredients 1 1/2 tablespoons peanut oil 1/2 package (8 ounces) extra-firm tofu, drained and pressed to remove moisture and cut into cubes 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice 1 medium carrot, peeled and diced 1/4 cup diced yellow onion 2 garlic cloves, minced Chicken or vegetable broth, as […]

Family Fun

Try New Things: All Aboard the Grain Train!

Are you ready to try new things? The key to being a super-foodie is tasting everything, even if it’s something you are pretty sure you won’t like. Because often you’re wrong, and it turns out you love something that you thought would be disgusto! And while some foods are a […]

Chef's Notes Plus, Family Fun

Try New Things: Gai Lan

We love all veggies (yes, even beets!), but there are some that really suit our fancy. Gai lan is one! Sometimes called Chinese broccoli, gai lan is, well, not particularly extraordinary. It’s relatively neutral in flavor, a lot like regular old broccoli, with a familiar texture (yup, like broccoli!). It […]

Chef's Notes Plus

Turkey Burgers Without a Recipe

Turkey burgers have a reputation as the bland, virtuous cousin of the beef hamburger. And some can be, since ground turkey doesn’t bring much to the flavor table as an ingredient. But a turkey burger doesn’t have to be a boring substitute for something you would rather eat—it can be […]

Chef's Blog, Chef's Notes Plus

Velvety Roasted Eggplant

For some veggies, we use the phrase roasting as a general term for cooking a vegetable whole to get after the tender flesh, like peppers, tomatoes, and eggplant. For eggplant, we scoop the velvety cooked flesh from the skin of the eggplant. This can be done in the oven (actual […]

Allergen Friendly, Salads, Side Dishes

Watermelon and Cucumber Salad

Makes 4 servings To make perfect balls from the watermelon flesh, press a melon baller tool, also known as a Parisian scoop, into the watermelon and twist it to remove the ball of melon. If you do not have a melon baller, or just want to save time, cut the […]

Chef's Notes Plus

What I’m Cooking: Green Bean and Potato Salad

The main course is sort of the easy part. We can all grill chicken or roast a pork loin, but with limited ingredients, it can be the sides that throw us off. You can only eat boxed macaroni and cheese so many times, even during a global pandemic. Veggie sides […]

Chef's Notes Plus

What I’m Cooking: Tangy Couscous Salad

One of my favorite flavor profiles is the Italian agrodolce, a sweet and sour sauce that makes any dish more exciting. Made simply by reducing vinegar with honey, agrodolce can be created on its own and added to dishes later, but I often prepare this sticky and sweet sauce in […]