Chef's Blog, Chef's Notes Plus

5 Recipes That are a Sure Sign of Spring

After a long winter, the world is turning back to green. Asparagus is shooting to the sky and curly pea tendrils seek out the sun, promising a near-future of farmers’ markets and tender fruits and veggies. To inspire you, here are some of the recipes we spend all year waiting […]

Free Recipes

Balsamic of Modena PGI Goat-Cheesecake

*The Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) is the name of an area, a specific place, or, in exceptional cases, the name of a country, used as a description of an agricultural product, which comes from such an area, place, or country, which has a specific quality, goodwill, or other characteristic property, […]

Chef's Blog

Beyond Chèvre: All About Goat Cheese

Cheese is a huge topic, and a deep dive into the subject can yield overwhelming results. It is probably for this reason that despite eating and cooking with cheese nearly every day, many people know very little about where their cheese comes from, how it is made, and the incredible […]

Free Recipes, Salads

Red Salad

Makes 8 portions Chef’s notes: The salad may be served on a bed of spinach or chiffonade Tuscan kale. For crunch, add a sprinkling of lightly toasted chopped pistachios, hazelnuts, or almonds. If you can’t find opal basil, you can substitute any type of sprout, such as pea shoots, broccoli […]


Rosemary Polenta Cake with Savory Strawberries and Goat Cheese

Makes 12 servings This recipe is adapted from the menu of the Gatehouse restaurant on the CIA’s Napa campus in St. Helena, California. It is sweet and savory (mostly sweet!) and is the perfect way to showcase in season strawberries, though we think peaches would also be delicious. The whipped […]

Main Dishes

Semolina Pizza with Fresh Herbs and Goat Cheese

Makes two 12-inch pizzas Using a baking stone or tiles will help approximate the intense heat of a woodfired pizza oven, resulting in a better pizza crust. Use a baker’s peel to transfer the prepared pizza to the stone. If you don’t have a peel, you can substitute a baking […]