Chef's Notes Plus

Infusing Oils and Vinegars

Infusing flavorful liquids, such as oils and vinegars, boosts their overall flavor—making them powerful additions to any dish without affecting the nutritional content in a negative way. To make your own infused oils and vinegars, use any of the following methods: Heat the oil or vinegar very gently over low […]


Japanese Seven-Spice Mixture

Ingredients 1 tablespoon ground sansho pepper 1 tsp nori, finely crumbled 1 tablespoon dried orange peel, minced 1 tablespoon chili powder 1 tablespoon black sesame seeds 1 tablespoon white sesame seeds 2 tablespoons minced garlic Directions Combine all the ingredients and reserve until needed.

Chef's Notes Plus

Make Creamy Salad Dressings without a Recipe

As salad dressings go, oil and vinegar—their cute couple name is Vinaigrette—are sort of the popular kids. Everyone likes them, they get along with anyone/salad, and here’s where this metaphor falls apart: you don’t need a recipe. But sometimes a salad and/or your brain are just begging for a creamy […]

Family Fun

Make it Yourself: Homemade Chocolate Shell

Are you a fan of chocolate shell? You might also know it as magic shell or chocolate dip. We find it hard to imagine that anyone can hate chocolate meant to cover ice cream, but hey, some people like those circus peanut candies that taste like bananas. If you’re in […]

Chef's Notes Plus

Making Homemade Croutons

Some things are just better homemade, and croutons happen to be one of those things. Croutons and rusks (rusks = big croutons!) keep well for several days in an airtight container, so make a large batch if you have enough bread on hand. To make croutons, remove the crust from […]

Desserts, Family Fun

Marshmallow Easter Treats

Makes about 12 treats (depending on the size of your cookie cutter) Making your favorite store-bought treats at home is fun and tasty! Marshmallows are easy once you get the hang of it. Just make sure to have a thermometer handy. If you don’t like the sugar coating on your […]

Pantry, Sauces, Dressings, and Condiments

Mascarpone Cheese

Makes 2 cups Ingredients 2 quarts high-quality heavy cream 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar Directions In a heavy bottomed pot over moderate heat, heat the cream to 180°F, stirring often to prevent scorching. Remove from the heat. Add the tartaric acid and let the cream coagulate into a curd. Line […]


Mozzarella Cheese

Makes 2 pounds Ingredients 6 oz salt 1 gallon water 2 lb mozzarella cheese curd, cut into 1/2-inch cubes Directions Add the salt to the water and bring to a boil. Remove the pot from the heat. Place the cheese curd in a bowl and pour enough water around the […]

Chef's Notes Plus

Piping Makes Perfect: Detailed Designs

Piping is often functional: use a pastry bag to transfer the mousse to the serving bowls, place the glaze in a piping bag to cover the cake. Precision is nice, but not always necessary. But if you are interested in creating detailed cakes, homemade chocolate bonbons, cute cookies, or delicate […]

Chef's Blog, Chef's Notes Plus

Preparing Fresh Garden Peas

Garden peas are one of the great treasures of springtime. When you find them in the market, feature them in a dish with fresh favas or asparagus, which are in season at the same time. If you are lucky enough to grow your own or have access to farm fresh […]