Gelatin is used as a stabilizer in many baking preparations. In small amounts, gelatin adds body, like to a sauce or whipped cream; in greater amounts, it can set a liquid so firmly that it can be sliced or cut into shapes. Using the precise amount of gelatin is crucial: […]
Gelling and Thickening Agents, and How to Use Them
Essential to cooking and baking, thickeners are responsible for the texture and viscosity of many sauces, puddings, fillings, and candies. We rely on these ingredients, also known as hydrocolloids (a substance that absorbs water, forming a gel), across the culinary sphere, but each has its own unique qualities, uses, and […]
Is There a Sugar-Doctor in the House?
For candy makers, one of the most important characteristics of sugar is that it tends to crystallize easily. If you are making pralines or fudge, crystallization at the proper time is the desired result. When you are cooking caramels or brittle, crystallization is the enemy. Controlling the crystallization of sugar […]
What is Gluten?
Gluten is a popular topic when it comes to diets and nutrition, but what is gluten exactly? Or, more importantly, what is its role in the kitchen? Gluten is formed by the proteins present in wheat flour (wheat is the only grain that forms measurable amounts of gluten, making it […]