Chef's Notes Plus

Virtual Vacation: Street Foods of China

Throughout history, food for the “common,” everyday people has been produced and consumed as a communal affair. Retreating to one’s private quarters to eat a meal alone or in a very small group is a relatively recent development, found mostly in industrialized regions. Interestingly, many cultures struggle to understand the […]

Chef's Blog, Chef's Notes Plus

When Chefs Write

Grading student journals and project assignments isn’t a favorite pastime, but if you are the adjunct instructor of College Writing at The Culinary Institute of America, ya gotta. More correctly stated, I gotta. The semester usually starts with the same complaints: You want me to read HOW MANY PAGES? I […]

Chef's Notes Plus

Wine 101: Chardonnay

Great food and wine go hand in hand, but when the-things-to-know-about-wine are seemingly infinite, it can be difficult (and intimidating!) to choose a wine. In this series, we’ll explore the fundamentals of wine, from grape varietals to tasting, so that you can tackle a wine list with confidence. Up first […]