Venison with Apple-Vanilla Compote and Foie Gras Bread Pudding

You may already have a New Year food tradition: black-eyed peas? Noodles? Lentils?

But because this year is less than typical, you may be in the mood to try something new.

If, like most of us, you have no special plans for the day, you might be looking for a bit of a project recipe for your special New Year dinner. After all, you can’t eat oysters and drink champagne all day (so we hear)!

This year, we’re going to make one of our favorite recipes featuring ingredients we certainly don’t use every day: Venison with Apple-Vanilla Compote and Foie Gras Bread Pudding.

Like any good project recipe, this one has lots of steps (that’s the project!), but none are unusually difficult or stress-inducing. Meaning you can put on your favorite playlist, pour a glass of wine, and give yourself a few hours of genuinely enjoying the process.

If venison isn’t really your cup of tea, you can use any game meat, including duck, or even pork or lamb. If none of this sounds particularly up your alley, but you are still craving a good recipe to sink your time and teeth into, here are some of our other favorite longer cooks (/bakes!):

Lasagna Bolognese

Duck Confit

Korean-Style Braised Short Ribs


Smoked Pork Belly


Happy New Year, DISH!

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